what’s your journaling style?

Answer 4 easy questions and get a personalized recommendation of the journaling method that will unlock your deepest thoughts.



An Instant Journaling Method That Will Save You Hours of Staring at a Blank Page

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4! 😉

Take the Quick Quiz (30 secs if you REALLY know yourself) And Hit “Submit” to Reveal…

✍🏼 Your unique journaling style based on four different types of writing personalities

💡 Tips and tricks to start using your recommended journaling method today to start writing

🐝 Guidance on how to use the power of writing even when you feel like a busy bee with no time for journaling

My Viral Personal Essays in Award-Winning Publications Started As Scribbled Thoughts in Journals

So whether you call yourself a writer or not, EVERYONE can access the power of writing in a private space to make sense of the ups and downs of this messy and beautiful life.

Grab your journal, find a pen, and get ready for the words to start flowing with your personalized journaling method to use today to put words to your story and start your self-discovery journey.